*** How to capture using tShark
1) Log into your Linux machine through SSH as root.
2) Install tshark we using the following command: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install tshark -y
3) To start capturing use the following command: mkdir -p /home/3cx/3cx_captures && chmod 777 /home/3cx/3cx_captures && tshark -i any -b filesize:20480 -w /home/3cx/3cx_captures/3cx.pcap
4) Wait until the issue occurs.
5) To stop the capture you will now need to press Ctrl + C.
6) Log into your Linux machine using an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla, WinSCP).
7) All the capture files will be located /home/3cx/3cx_captures/ . Download all files onto your PC and zip them into one file.